Message on behalf of Armando De Vincentis, Medical Director of Acarpia Farmaceutici srl
The scientific community, strongly committed in his battle against Covid-19 pandemic, is turning his attention also to a potential role that colchicine could exert in the treatment of patients with mild symptoms.
In fact, the Canadian government just started an extensive clinical trial, coordinated by Dr. Tardif, that will involve 6.000 patients.
“I have no evidence that it will work. But if it works, and I agree it’s a big deal, we can dream. If you no longer fear, or much less, the severe complications of COVID-19, that changes everything. We no longer need to lock people up and quarantine them. We are faced with a disease which is altogether banal. It just transformed the world scene instantly.” says Dr. Tardif.
Other smaller experiences are beginning elsewhere.
We hope that these studies will be useful to the patients and increase our knowledge about colchicine, and we hope it will be significant in enabling the progress of medicine.
Researchers study drug to reduce COVID-19 complications
Issued on:23/03/2020 -17:52Modified:23/03/2020 -17:51
Montreal (AFP)
Canadian researchers launched a study Monday into the use of a powerful anti-inflammatory drug to reduce the risks of pulmonary complications and death related to the new coronavirus.
Several COVID-19 patients have had severe complications from a surge of activated immune cells in the lungs –known as a “cytokine storm.”
In a cytokine storm, the immune system overreacts and damages lung tissue, leading to acute respiratory distress and multi-organ failure.
A team led by Jean-Claude Tardif, director of the Montreal Heart Institute research center and professor of medicine at the University of Montreal, are hoping the drug colchicine will work to moderate the overproduction of immune cells and their activating compounds –called cytokines –in COVID-19 patients.
If it proves to be successful, the drug –which is already used to treat gout and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart membrane), and is readily available and inexpensive –could become a key tool in the pandemic fight.