Karian Pharmaceuticals

Karian Pharmaceuticals business is closely aligned with market needs. The activities are focused in areas such as

Marketing and distribution of pharmaceutical products

Pharmaceuticals substances

Healthcare and laboratory supplies

Diagnostics and Medical devices ( CE products)

OTC products

Marketing and distribution of anti-parasitic products.

Karian Pharmaceuticals product portfolio includes original & generic medicines in Central Nervous System, Cardiology, Orthopedics- Rheumatology, Surgical Analgesia- Anesthesia & Internal Medicine.


Karian Pharmaceuticals is a fast growing pharmaceutical company in Greece. The vision of the people is to work with a high sense of responsibility, under a modern and dynamic business model, and create one of the best pharmaceutical companies in Greece.


• Marketing, Sales & Distribution of medicinal products
• Local Representation of International Companies
• In-Licensing/ Out-Licencing of Medicinal Products
• Co-Promotion/ Co-Marketing


Newer Evolutions with COVID-19

March 23rd, 2020|0 Comments

Dear associate, KARIAN is responsible for the distribution and promotion of the COLCHICINA ACARPIA in Greece. The diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Colchicine have been known since antiquity. Colchicine, based on clinical trials [...]


March 23rd, 2020|0 Comments

Message on behalf of Armando De Vincentis, Medical Director of Acarpia Farmaceutici srl ================================================================= The scientific community, strongly committed in his battle against Covid-19 pandemic, is turning his attention also to a potential role [...]

Results of the study COLCOT

November 25th, 2019|0 Comments

Safety and efficacy of colchicine after myocardial infarction: Results of the COLCOT study. George Lazaros Cardiologist, Director of NHS, 1st University Cardiology Clinic Hippocrateion General Hospital of Athens Inflammation according to modern beliefs seems to [...]


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